Start Cinema presenta


The festival awards the Medal of Honour award, in collaboration with the Mosaic Artist Dusciana Bravura, to directors who have contributed to the research and experimentation of storytelling by entering new and original paths. The award this year will be awarded to Manetti Bros., directors and innovators who have contributed to the renewal of Italian cinema. The two Roman brothers who grew up between comics and B movies - in a bizarre mash-up between the Coen brothers and Quentin Tarantino - made innovation their trademark, remaining faithful to their imagery while spanning genres. This dichotomy between continuity and discontinuity makes their production unique and immediately recognizable. The Festival will screen their iconic sci-fi thriller The Arrival of Wang, in which the two brothers bravely reinterpret the genre, building suspense through a tight three-voice interrogation that culminates in an incredible twist.


Italy, 2011 - 80'

Directing: Antonio Manetti, Marco Manetti / Screenwriter: Antonio Manetti, Marco Manetti / Cinematography: Alessandra Chiodo / Production: Laura Contarino, Andrea Iervolino / Cast: Ennio Fantastichini, Francesca Cuttica, Juliet Esey Joseph / Editing: Federico Maria Maneschi / Music: Aldo De Scalzi, Pivio

An extraterrestrial has arrived on earth and it is up to the State to find out its motive, in the meantime, the interpreter interrogates him and she finds out that the alien has come in peace to have a cultural exchange between species but he hid because of the inhospitality of the humans.

Antonio Manetti (1970) and Marco Manetti (1968) were born in Rome, Italy. They are known for their work on “Ammore e malavita” (2017) a musical comedy on Naples, “Song 'e Napule” (2013), tribute to the 70s police movies and “L'arrivo di Wang” (2011) awarded at the Science Plus Fiction Festival of Trieste. 


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