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Festival del Cinema di Ravenna - XXI Edizione

2023_Cristiana Astori

Cristiana Astori was born in Asti and lives in Rome.

Graduated in psychology, she is the author of the Trilogy of Colors (Tutto quell'black, Tutto quell'osso, Tutto quell'blù, 2011-2014) published by Giallo Mondadori, which was followed by Tutto quell'astro (Elliot, 2018) and Tutto quell'violet (Frilli , 2023); protagonist of these thrillers is Susanna Marino, hunter of rare films that really existed. In 1999 Astori received the Ferrero Award for Film Criticism; you currently work for the Libraries of Rome. You have also translated several authors including Jeffery Deaver, Douglas Preston, Richard Stark and the Dexter saga. In the comics field, you published the graphic novel L' amore ci separte – Love will tear us apart (De Falco, 2002), you wrote the script for Dylan Dog Color Fest n. 11 (Sergio Bonelli Editore, 2013) and the steampunk adventures of The Professor (Erredì Grafiche Editoriali). Her collection of short stories The Mouse King and other dark fables (Alacran, 2006) is the first Italian book to which Joe R. Lansdale dedicated a launch sentence.

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