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Festival del Cinema di Ravenna - XXI Edizione


The relationship between cinema and literature is complex and contradictory and has seen a succession of violent clashes and sudden reconciliations.

Most films are "taken" from literary texts: not only the sensational cases like "The Leopard" or "Gone with the Wind", but also films like "Wild Paths" or "The Fifth Element". To understand how these films are made, it becomes important to understand what we mean by "reduction", "adaptation", "cinematic transposition" or all the other terms with which we refer to that process that leads a written text to become a cinematographic text.

This and much more is discussed in Literary Meetings which love to explore this complex union.

The GialloLuna NeroNotte festival, organized by the Pa.Gi.Ne cultural association. of Ravenna, celebrates literary works attributable to the detective and noir genres. Born in 2003 as a multidisciplinary event, it will propose, during the 2023 edition of the Ravenna Nightmare Film Fest, a calendar of presentations, curated by Nevio Galeati, writer, journalist and director of GialloLuna NeroNotte, with the complicity of Stefano Bon, with the patronage of Municipality of Ravenna and in collaboration with the Confesercenti booksellers union.

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Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival | via Canala 43 | 48123 Ravenna (Italy) | Tel. e Fax +39.0544.464812 | Cell. +39.349.5162425 | e-mail