Start Cinema presenta

Festival del Cinema di Ravenna - XXI Edizione


Friday 17 November at 9pm

Alex Infascelli, accompanied by Nevio Galeati and Stefano Bon, will present his first novel

Now, here, nowhere – Now, here, nowhere (Harper Collins, 2022) before the theatrical screening of his documentary Kill Me If You Can.

Alex is eighteen years old, has platinum blonde hair, plays in a band and lives for music. It is the 1980s and Rome is reminiscent of Middle Earth from the Lord of the Rings, divided by wars between paninari, fascists, communists, metalheads, punks and skinheads. Alex is not part of any of these tribes: life is not easy for those who have decided not to "belong" to any specific faction. Furthermore, heroin has reached the peak of its destructive force, and boys and girls are collapsing in the streets, with syringes in their arms. So, when his girlfriend loses her mother and has to move to Los Angeles with her father, Alex immediately says "I'm coming with you." He doesn't imagine that the intercontinental flight will be just the first step in his odyssey. The West Coast is preparing to become the center of the world, with the explosion of grunge and the toxic hell that follows. Alex will do a thousand jobs, from telephone salesman to sound engineer, he will change a thousand houses, he will play in various musical groups, he will get married in Las Vegas, he will be arrested a couple of times, he will discover, thanks to a fortune teller, that, even if music was his first love, his destiny was cinema. In this blender, Alex will meet all the myths of those years, from Prince to Matt Groening, from Courtney Love to Kurt Cobain, the messiah that an entire generation was waiting for.

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