italiano | english


Direction Tony Kern
Year 2014
Nation Singapore
Duration 92'


A group of film students, who burn effigies of cameras, for the wandering spirits, during ghost month in Singapore. They receive a collection of horror movies in return, which will become their fateful reality.

Director biography

Tony Kern, born in 1969, began his career in film at Northwestern University as a video editor. From 2003 to 2005, he worked as a producer and editor at AOL-Time Warner prior to setting up film-production company Mythopolis Pictures with Singaporean television news presenter Genevieve Woo. Kern’s debut feature film A Month of Hungry Ghosts was nominated for Best Film at the 22nd Singapore International Film Festival. His second film, Afterimages, released in Singapore on 2014 supported by crowdfunding and crowdsourcing, is a compendium of five short films and received funding from the Media Development Authority. In 2012, the film's script won the Network of Asian Fantastic Films award at a competition in Bucheon, South Korea. 

Screenplay Tony Kern
Producer Genevieve Woo, Tony Kern
Cast Sheena Chan, Pamelyn Chee, Daniel Jenkins, Mike Kasem
Photography Teck Siang Lim
Editor Tony Kern
Music Joe Ng, Ting Si Hao
Producer Company Mythopolis Pictures
Distribution Devilworks

Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival - via Mura di Porta Serrata 13 - 48121 Ravenna (Italy) - Tel. e Fax +39.0544.201456
e-mail info@ravennanightmare.itarea riservata