italiano | english


Direction Pablo Gonazlez
Year 2015
Duration 70'


On a post-apocalyptic world of never-ending winter, a sparse cast of outsiders lives underground. Due to their unsanitary conditions, sexual contact has become dangerous. Masturbation has become the paradigm of sexual experience and an array of low-tech devices with this purpose has come into existence. In this bleak reality, Czuperski (a dealer of such machines) and Tania (a sex addict) make a deal: she will allow him to experiment new devices on her body in exchange of pleasure. Soon however, their relationship goes out of control.

Director biography

Paolo Gonzales  was born in Mexico in 1983, but grew up in Colombia. He majored in Communications in the Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá and received a Master’s Degree in Film Studies in the University of Paris VII Dennis Diderot, where he wrote a thesis on the representation of violence in Latin American cinema. He has worked as writer and director in both fiction and advertisement filmmaking. He has written and directed nine fiction short films and one mockumentary about the origins of his family. On 2012, he cowrote and directed his first feature project titled “CORD”, which was shot in Berlin where he currently lives thanks to an Artist Grant from the Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD).

Screenplay Alfredo Wiliamson, C. S. Prince
Producer Michael Schumacher, Ludovic Henry, Carlos Vásquez
Cast Laura de Boer, Christian Wewerka, Michael Fritz Schumacher
Photography Carlos Vásquez
Set Designer Nuria Manzaneda
Editor Florian Allier
Music Matthieu Deniau
Producer Company Traumfabrik, Studio Orlando Production, Blank Blank, Avenida Films, La Mer à Boire Productions
Distribution Oneeye Media

Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival - via Mura di Porta Serrata 13 - 48121 Ravenna (Italy) - Tel. e Fax +39.0544.201456
e-mail info@ravennanightmare.itarea riservata