italiano | english


Direction Francesco Erba
Year 2014
Nation Italy
Duration 20'


Albert lives with her mother in the house at the end of the town. A childhood smeared of tragic events scar the poor boy that decides to lock himself in the basement below the stairs. The last flight into his past, will transform Albert in a conscious and therefore a very dangerous man

Director biography

Francesco Erba was born in Bergamo in 1986, where he spent his entire childhood and attended the State Art School in Bergamo and he graduated in SCULPTURE in 2005.  Accomplished the Art Maturity, he decided to follow his dream and in 2005 he moved to Rome, where attended the Motion-Picture Direction Course, at NUCT (New University of Cinema and Television). He postgraduated in 2007.

Producer Andrea Lo Coco, Erika Russo, Angelo Esposito, Paolo Gaudio
Cast Giuseppe di Simone, Erika Russo, Angelo Esposito
Producer Company MaDLab Productions, Onda Videoproduzioni S.r.l.
Distribution MaDLab Productions, Onda Videoproduzioni S.r.l.

Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival - via Mura di Porta Serrata 13 - 48121 Ravenna (Italy) - Tel. e Fax +39.0544.201456
e-mail info@ravennanightmare.itarea riservata