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Direction Kamada Yoshitaka
Year 2022
Nation Giappone
Duration 119'


Following the bankruptcy of his household appliances store, Tanigawa Shoji decides to die so that his daughter can benefit from his life insurance. Honda Saki is almost 40 years old when she abandons her singing career which is going nowhere. She is in debt and has lost interest in life. Okubo Yukito works for a bad junk dealer and, to make ends meet, sees stolen kerosene. Shoji meets Saki on a suicide forum and asks her to kill him. He cannot commit suicide because her daughter would lose the insurance premium. The two are joined by Yukito, who reluctantly accepts to be involved in the murder-suicide. What could go wrong?

Director biography

Kamada Yoshitaka is a film director, screenwriter, television director. He was born in Nayoro, Hokkaido. Since 1991 he has worked on numerous documentaries, promotional films and V-Cinema. His films have been presented at numerous festivals, including the 29th Montreal World Film Festival, the 10th Pusan International Film Festival, NIPPON CONNECTION, the 13th Raindance Film Festival, the 8th Deauville Asian Film Festival (France) and the Dongfang Film Festival, where it received high praise. Currently he is involved in a variety of film genres. His latest film is Tocka in 2022.

Screenplay Kase Hitomi
Cast Kamada Yoshitaka
Photography Nishimura Hiromitsu
Music Saito Neko; Suono Shimazu Mikisuke
Producer Company Stance Company
Contacts Sakaguchi Kazunao

Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival - via Mura di Porta Serrata 13 - 48121 Ravenna (Italy) - Tel. e Fax +39.0544.201456
e-mail info@ravennanightmare.itarea riservata