Start Cinema presenta

La mossa giusta

di Gianluca Nanni
Italia 2022  19'
Cast Marco Saccomandi, Camilla Berardi, Melissa Pisu, Enrico Toschi, Giulia Pedretti, Christian Guidi, Simona Bonavita, Anna Maria Fabbri, Marcello Moretti, Andrea Nanni, Beatrice Roth, Gaetano Mengoni
Sceneggiatura  Giustino Pennino e Gianluca Nanni

A boy, a girl, a car, a mad rush. Darkness, then the confused lights of sirens and hospital. Renato is quiet but emotionally mercurial; Alice, sister more than friend, is the only one who really knows him. He champions alcoholic checkers at the pub where they work together. When Alice introduces him to her roommate Serena, it is love at first sight for Renato. But, unable to handle his emotions, he risks his friendship with Alice and their lives.

When we allow ourselves to be led by excess, only an act of generosity can save us.

Nota biografica

Gianluca Nanni, a Cinema graduate from DAMS in Bologna, is a director of short films and documentaries, and is also dedicated to projects of a social and educational nature aimed at young people. Since 2013 he has been president of Zirialab, a social promotion association that deals with training, organization of events and realization of audiovisual projects. In 2009 he shot the documentary Zanni Mario, barista, in 2010 the short film C'è la guerra sulle stelle?, in competition at the Festival Visioni Italiane in Bologna. In 2012 he made La mia stanza, dedicated to the female universe. Since 2015 he has been shooting Cervia, ricorda, a web documentary about his hometown. Then it was the turn of Scelte, a work suspended between realism and fiction that tells about young people and their decisions. In December 2021 he shoots on commission La mossa giusta (The Right Move), presented at the Ravenna Nightmare Film Fest this year during the Nightmare Care event, trying to combine a message of social reflection with a contemporary cinematographic style through the codes of suspense and action films, and with the added value of a territory - Romagna and its atmospheres.


Gianluca Nanni


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