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Nightmare Legacy is available on MymoviesONE!

Nightmare Legacy's journey on MyMovies, the most famous movie library in Italy. Since today, in fact, our Festival will also be available on MYmoviesONE: in this case, the subscription gives you access to some of the biggest festival and most exclusive streaming platforms dedicated to independent cinema. In this way you will be able to expericne from the comfort of you home the great emotions of some of the most beautiful genre films selected for you by some of the biggest film festivals.

Biennale Cinema Channel, Fareastream, Myreload, Sci-Fi Club are just some of the names you will be able to find on MYmoviesONE. And now you will also find our festival, which offers a selection of some of the most moving and multi-awarded movies of the last twenty years from the dark side of movies.

Discover films you cannot find anywhere else!

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Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival | via Canala 43 | 48123 Ravenna (Italy) | Tel. e Fax +39.0544.464812 | Cell. +39.349.5162425 | e-mail