Start Cinema presenta

Festival del Cinema di Ravenna - XXI Edizione


Italy, 2019 - 40'

Written and Created by: Luca Ruocco / Directing: Paolo Gaudio / Screenwriter: Luca Ruocco / Production: Francesco Abondante / Animation: Paolo Gaudio, Francesco Erba, Mauro Tudini / Drawing: Helena Masellis


Imagine being able to enter your favorite story and being able to listen to it told by the hands of its protagonists. With another little effort, you think you can become a small piece of this story yourself and start living it alongside your heroes.

This is what happens with Il Giro dell'Horror, the new project by and with Luca Ruocco [playwright and performer with DoppioSenso Unico, screenwriter of cinema and comics for realities such as Bugs Comics and Revok Film], directed by Paolo Gaudio [Fantasticherie of a solitary walker, Looney Foodz] and executive production by Francesco Abonante.

Produced by in collaboration with Space Off, Il Giro dell’Horror is a serial format that in each episode enters the personal and creative world of one of the protagonists of local horror. The protagonist of the first episode is Domiziano Cristopharo. 

Luca Ruocco is a screenwriter, performer, director and film critic. In 1999 he founded the theater company DoppioSenso Unico, with which he still produces and stages shows such as "gU.F.O.", "Operamolla" and "Il successo non è successo". He has collaborated with numerous prints and web magazines of film criticism, from to Taxidrivers to Splatter. In 2010 he founded the portal dedicated to cinema and gender culture, which he still manages. He writes the scripts for some short films, awarded in Italian and foreign festivals. Among these there’s "Versipellis" produced by Revok Film, a production house with which he still collaborates as a screenwriter. He has written some essays dedicated to horror cinema published by Eus Edizioni, UniversItalia and Edizioni “Il Foglio”.
He has collaborated with Bugs Comics since the first issue of Mostri, curating and conceiving interviews and editorials and, from the fifth issue, also in the role of screenwriter. Always for the same publishing house he is the author and part of the creative staff of the magazine Alieni e Gangster. In 2016 he wrote and directed the documentary “Dylan Dog - 30 anni di incubi”, produced by Studio Universal in collaboration with Sergio Bonelli Editore. From 2012 to 2017 he was part of the Fantafestival staff as selector of the films and short films in competition. In 2018 he was the artistic director of the Roman event dedicated to fantastic cinema and horror and sci-fi culture.

Paolo Gaudio (1981) is a director, writer and animator. For years he has been focused on experimenting new techniques of animation such as stop motion, cut-out animation and computer graphics. “Fantasies of a Lonely Walker” signs his debut feature film which is awarded 14 international prizes. In 2018 he received the Silver Ribbon for Best Animated Short Film with “Looney Foodz!”. He actively collaborates with Rainbow Academy and the Fine Arts Academy of Rome at the formation of new professionists in this field.


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