Start Cinema presenta

Festival del Cinema di Ravenna - XXI Edizione


The second day of the festival promises to be full of unmissable and enthralling events!

🎬 The programme will start at 3:30 with the screening of the first feature film in competition: The Severed Sun (UK, 2024, 80'), directed by Dean Puckett. This film offers an elegant slice of creepiness, recounting a witch hunt that affects a small religious community following a mysterious death.

🎬 At 6 p.m. it will be the turn of the second feature film, El Santo (Argentina, 2023, 84'), by Argentinean Juan Agustín Carbonere. A dark and incisive work, it follows the story of Rubén, a healer from humble origins in search of a dignified life. Benjamin's entrance will change Rubén's fortunes, leading him to fame and the creation of a cult around his person.

The day will end in grand style with the Golden Ring Special Edition award ceremony, which will be presented to the famous Japanese director Hara Kazuo, our guest of honour. This highly anticipated event will begin at 9 p.m. We will also be lucky enough to attend the musical performance Breve è la vita, performed by Yamada Hiromo (mezzo soprano) and Denis Zardi (piano), with excerpts from Japanese films, including Vivere, Tabù-Gohatto and La città incantata.

🎬 This will be followed by the screening of The Emperor’s Naked Army Marches On! by Hara Kazuo (Japan, 1987, 120'): a gripping tale that follows a Japanese veteran's search for those responsible for the death of two soldiers from his old unit in the New Guinea campaign during the Second World War. The director will be present in the theatre. 

Don't miss the opportunity to experience an exceptional day at the festival!✨

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Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival | via Canala 43 | 48123 Ravenna (Italy) | Tel. e Fax +39.0544.464812 | Cell. +39.349.5162425 | e-mail