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Italian capital of horror cinema

28 October / 4 November 2012 – 10th edition – Cinema Corso, Via di Roma 51 - Ravenna, Italy

Happy Birthday to Solaris


RNFF celebrates a special anniversary every year. 2012 is particularly tempting because it allows to show to our audience of fans two feature films which (rather than considering the former as the original one and the latter as its remake version) are actually two original adaptations of the 1961 novel by Stanislaw Lem. For different reasons they were both acclaimed by critics and audience since their appearance: SOLARIS Andrei Tarkovsky, 1972 and SOLARIS Steven Soderbergh, 2002.

Andrei Tarkovsky
1972  URSS  168'
Steven Soderbergh
2002  USA  99'
Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival - via Mura di Porta Serrata 13 - 48121 Ravenna (Italy) - Tel. e Fax +39.0544.201456