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Lisa Blatter, Gregor Frei, Jan Gassmann, Benny Jaberg, Carmen Jaquier, Michael Krummenacher, Jonas Meier, Tobias Nölle, Lionel Rupp, Mike Scheiwiller
2015  Svizzera Germania   99'
Cast: Peter Jecklin, Dashmir Ristemi, Julia Glaus, Michèle Schaub Jackson

Premi / Awards: FESTIVAL DEL FILM LOCARNO 2016 (Svizzera) – Selezione Ufficiale

Screenplay Lisa Blatter, Gregor Frei, Jan Gassmann, Benny Jaberg, Carmen Jaquier, Michael Krummenacher, Jonas Meier, Tobias Nölle, Lionel Rupp, Mike Scheiwiller
Producer Stefan Eichenberger
Photography Simon Guy Fässler, Denis D. Lüthi, Gaëtan Varone
Editor Kaya Inan
Music Dominik Blumer
Producer Company Contrast Film
Distribution WIDE

Ten young Swiss directors: Lisa Blatter, Gregor Frei, Jan Gassmann, Benny Jaberg, Carmen Jaquier, Michael Krummenacher, Jonas Meier, Tobias Nölle, Lionel Rupp and Mike Scheiwiller have joined their creative minds to create a refreshing, incisive and innovative project. Wonderland is an apocalyptic film through the bucolic Swiss landscape, a kind of time bomb that explodes in the face of well-conformist thinking.

It is autumn and getting colder in Switzerland. Suddenly an inexplicable and frightening cloud is over the country. Its origin is a mystery to the experts, who merely state that it is growing continuously, and soon it will manifest itself in all its devastating beauty. The people react very differently to the impending storm: some ignore it, others barricade themselves, and yet others tries to flee abroad, the same abroad that before seemed so scary but now it’s like a promised land. But the storm is also a uniting force: it exposes authentic needs, fears and hopes, and step by step reveals the consequences of political and societal isolation of the country.

Michael Krummenacher, born 1985 in Schwyz. In 2005 he attends the Filmmaking Workshop at Columbia University in New York, before beginning to study direction at the HFF Munich. There he gets to know Peter Baranowski, with whom in 2009 he founds the production company Passanten Film. In the same year, he completes his first feature film Hinter Diesen Bergen, which premieres at the International Rotterdam Film Festival in 2010. His short Wenn Alle Da Sind is nominated in 2012 for the German Short Film Award, and his diploma film Sibylle premieres in 2015 at the 65th Berlin Film Festival.

Jan Gassmann, born 1983, comes from Zurich. In 2004 he begins studying documentary film direction at the HFF Munich. His first feature film Chrigu is shown at the 57th Berlin Film Festival and plays successfully in the cinema. In 2008 Jan Gassmann wins the Bern and Zurich Film Awards for Chrigu, and in 2009 the Prix Walo. Subsequent films are Off Beat (Berlin Film Festival 2010) and Karma Shadub (International Jury Award Nyon). Jan lives in Zurich and together with Julia Tal and Lisa Blatter head of the production company 2:1 Film.

Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival - via Mura di Porta Serrata 13 - 48121 Ravenna (Italy) - Tel. e Fax +39.0544.201456
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