Anteprima Dylan Dog DayDYLAN DOG DAY 30 years of nightmare's investigations The natural’s point of convergence between Ravenna Nightmare Film Fest and GialloLuna NeroNotte is this day dedicated to Tiziano Sclavi and 30 years old of his most famous character: Dylan Dog, the nightmare investigator. RNFF celebration with two significant works Nessuno siam perfetti by Giancarlo Soldi 2014 the most lucid portraits on the father of Dylan Dog - presented by the director and critic Massimo Perissinotto and the cult film Dellamorte Dellamore by Michele Soavi 1994 GialloLuna Neronotte will propose a meeting with the writers and the designers of the character. They accepted the invitation writers Paola Barbato and Christian Astori, the cartoonist Gigi Simeoni and the author Giancarlo Marzano. To complete the picture the setting up of an exhibition on Dylan Dog, with original, reproductions and life-sized silhouettes.
Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival - via Mura di Porta Serrata 13 - 48121 Ravenna (Italy) - Tel. e Fax +39.0544.201456 e-mail info@ravennanightmare.itarea riservata |