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Ghost Son

Lamberto Bava
2007  Italia, Sudafrica, Spagna, Gran Bretagna  96'
Cast: Laura Harring, John Hannah, Pete Postlethwaite, Coralina Cataldi Tassoni

Una ghost story dalla messinscena sontuosa ed elegante

Screenplay Silvia Ranfagni, Lamberto Bava
Producer Pino e Enzo Gargiulo, Marco Guidone, Terence S. Potter, Jaqueline Quella, Gianni Ricci, Paul Raleigh, Liza Essers, Enrico Coletti, Richard Green
Photography Tani Canevari
Set Designer Davide Bassan
Editor Raimondo Aiello
Music Paolo Vivaldi
Producer Company Star Edizioni Cinematografiche, C.R.C., A.E. Media Corporation, Ghost Son Films, Camarote Films, Moviworld

Stacey and Mark, deeply in love, live on an isolated South African farm. Their home soon turns into a disquieting mansion, as nightmarish presences haunt Stacey. She begins experiencing a frightening dimension in which reality and imagination merge. An elegantly staged ghost story which keeps the Italian tradition of genre cinema alive.


Born in Rome in 1944, Lamberto Bava is a director, a screenwriter, a film and television producer, a writer. His family name is a landmark in the history of cinema: his father Mario is the creator of Italian gothic genre; his grandfather Eugenio, an artist and a sculptor, worked as a cinematographer with Giovanni Pastrone (Cabiria) and with the Lumière brothers; Lamberto's son, Roy, is an esteemed assistant director and contributed to The Card Player by Dario Argento. The great tradition of Italian horror cinema begins with Mario Bava's Black Sunday and ends with Demons, shot by Lamberto. Considered as the inventor of the "new postmodern horror" genre, he also made a stand in the history of television with innovative productions such as Fantaghirò.

Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival - via Mura di Porta Serrata 13 - 48121 Ravenna (Italy) - Tel. e Fax +39.0544.201456
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