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Kushida Takeshi
2023  Giappone  94'
Cast: Ono Akane, Shitara Mone, Izumi Yakuma, Uchida Shusaku, Mase Hidemasa, Koinuma Toki, Hoshi Kosuke, Otaki Itsuki, Yamashita Keiji, Nakanishi Yutasu, Taguchi Chiaki

Circostanze terribili mettono alla prova il legame tra Hitomi ed Eri, madre e figlia ed entrambe violoncelliste

Screenplay Kushida Takeshi
Photography Oishi Yu
Set Designer Okutani Shunsuke Effetti speciali Nishimura Yoshihiro
Editor Yamamoto Atsushi Gaudi
Music Nishikata Masateru, Fushimi Hitomi Suono Yui Masahiro
Producer Company Nishimura Shin, SatoYosuke, Kushida Takeshi per Pyramid Film Inc.
Contacts Kushida Takeshi

Terrible circumstances test the bond between Hitomi and Eri, mother and daughter and both cellists. They find themselves literally sharing the same vision of the universe through a new, futuristic optical device.

Born in 1982, Kushida Takeshi, director and screenwriter, is a member of the production company Pyramid Film in Tokyo. His first feature film Woman of the Photographs (2020), which was also awarded at Ravenna Nightmare Film Fest, has been highly acclaimed throughout international film festivals and has been released in cinemas in 7 countries. He previously shot the short films Flow (2003), Kannon (2004), Hide and Seek (2005), Reincarnation (2008), I Am A Camera (2014), The Earth was Bluish (2015), Voice (2018)

Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival - via Mura di Porta Serrata 13 - 48121 Ravenna (Italy) - Tel. e Fax +39.0544.201456
e-mail info@ravennanightmare.itarea riservata