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Solmund MacPherson
2023  Canada  12'
Cast: Sheridan Irwin, Francine Prevost e Tom Lute

Stufi dell’alto costo della vita a Toronto, numerosi cittadini hanno deciso di rinunciare alla propria identità umana

Screenplay Solmund MacPherson,
Producer Jesse Padveen
Photography Julian Lomaga
Editor Solmund MacPherson,
Music Peter Czibolya
Producer Company Master Key Films
Contacts Solmund MacPherson

Fed up with the high cost of Toronto's life, many citizens decide to give up their human identity to legally identify themselves as animals, thus creating a society of "wild people" in the woods and on the riverfront on the outskirts of the city.

The films of Solmund, Canadian director and screenwriter, have been selected in numerous festivals around the world, winning various awards including Vimeo's Staff Pick. In parallel, he teaches furniture design in Winnipeg and worked for the Canadian Museum of Civil Rights with the mission of developing prototypes of interactive installations with a group of designers, storytellers and engineers. He did not have a formal school career, he based his career on self-taught and experimentation.

Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival - via Mura di Porta Serrata 13 - 48121 Ravenna (Italy) - Tel. e Fax +39.0544.201456
e-mail info@ravennanightmare.itarea riservata