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WE ARE HUMAN!  - Watashitachi wa ningen da!

Ko Chanyu
2022  Giappone  114'

Una legge sull’immigrazione ancora più rigida è stata approvata dal governo giapponese il 7 marzo 2023.

Screenplay Ko Chanyu
Photography Kosan Yu
Editor Masao Kurose
Music Akasha; Suono Ichiro Yoshida
Producer Company Ko Chanyu
Contacts Ko Chanyu

The documentary is the first to describe the big picture of discrimination against foreigners in various contexts, including Koreans in Japan, technical trainees, refugees and Immigration Services Agency detainees. The death of a Sri Lankan woman, who died in an immigration detention center, marks a turning point and public opinion began to demand the abolition of discriminatory policies against foreigners residing in Japan. However, an even stricter immigration law was passed by the Japanese government on March 7, 2023. The film was screened at various festivals in Asia.

Ko Chanyu, born in 1947, was born and raised in Japan, but is part of the Korean minority (known as zainichi) residing there. After graduating from Korea University in Tokyo he was a playwright, screenwriter, essayist and columnist. His reports Ikyo Gurashi (Tahyansari) (Living in a strange country) for one of the main Japanese newspapers, the Mainichi shinbun, were very successful and were collected in volume. He continued to deal with problems relating to foreigners residing in Japan, starting with backpacks. In addition to numerous publications, in 2019 he made the first documentary film on Korean schools in Japan, Our Children's School (Aitachi no gakkō).

Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival - via Mura di Porta Serrata 13 - 48121 Ravenna (Italy) - Tel. e Fax +39.0544.201456
e-mail info@ravennanightmare.itarea riservata