Una collina isolata conduce un uomo in un'esistenza simile a quella di un monaco...
In a town haunted by mysterious disappearances, a secluded hill rumored to be a gateway to the afterlife draws a man into a monk-like existence... until an old bandmate arrives with a birthday cake, unraveling long buried feelings about life.
Matthew Paul Everitt is a filmmaker from Grand Rapids, Michigan. His films explore the identities people fabricate and how those identities create a new reality for others, and is deeply indebted to the films of Andrei Tartoksky and Micahel Mann.
His previous short film Waffle Home (2022) was adapted from a viral Reddit thread and won Best Screenplay at the Grand Rapids Film Festival. He is currently developing STRUNG OUT, a feature film that merges string theory, music, and the life of artist Hilma af Klint. |
Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival - via Mura di Porta Serrata 13 - 48121 Ravenna (Italy) - Tel. e Fax +39.0544.201456 e-mail info@ravennanightmare.itarea riservata |