2017 |
Palazzo del Cinema - Largo Firenze 1 - Ravenna
28 ottobre - 5 novembre
28 ottobre - 5 novembre 2017 | Palazzo del Cinema - Largo Firenze 1 - Ravenna



 The title extension to the word dreamers  is not casual. The opening to neighboring genres and the alliance with the literary festival Giallo Luna Nero Notte  was certainly not a point of arrival, indeed. This  festival of this year  opens even more to the city through an organic proposal that aims to include instead of separating.  Where there are nightmares, there are also dreams, and where dreams, dreamers and dreamers are, and this is the declination of the original project that is the true innovation of the Festival.

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Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival | via Mura di Porta Serrata 13 | 48121 Ravenna (Italy) | Tel. e Fax +39.0544.201456 | e-mail info@ravennanightmare.it